Columbus Day in New York

Columbus Day and Italian Police

Gens Italica Network Association, the first Italian association with an exhibit of its own at the Columbus Day Exhibition at New York Central Station.

From October 7 to 19, 2008, at New York Central Station, Gens Italica Network Association will be taking part in the great exhibition that is organized every year by the Columbus Citizens Foundation. On the occasion of the famous Columbus Day Parade, Gens Italica will offer an Interactive Virtual Point of a great visual impact and high technology, including 3D images.

In accordance with the Columbus Citizens Foundation, the exhibit is dedicated to the main event of the year: the centenary of the Messina and Reggio Calabria earthquake. The contents of our exhibit complete the exhibition mounted by the US Navy, in an original, interactive and multimedia way.

In order to arouse public and media interest towards the “symbols of Italy in the world,” the exhibit reserves a particular section of its multimedia contents to introduce our “partners and sponsors,” emphasizing their dedication and creativity in the promotion of the image of Italy. The communities of Italian origin have this aspect particularly at heart.

For this reason, the multimedia contents of our exhibit are divided into the following sections:

“The history of the earthquake”, with some pictures taken from our partners’ historical archives; “Science and Research”, with pictures, documents and projects about the scientists’ efforts on studying the seismic activity in Italy and in the world; “Books, fiction and popularization”, introducing new publications of great interest; “Introducing our partners and sponsors”, some significant moments of our country’s cultural, artistic, scientific and industrial history.

The exhibit has been planned and realized by Infobyte SpA and the soundtrack is composed by Angelo Talocci

The project is sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Cultural Heritage and State Education Councilor’s Office of the Region of Sicily.

Corps of the Carabinieri, National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, Prof. Agazio Trombetta Iconographical Foundation, Lanterna Magica, Inter-University Consortium CASPUR and Infobyte SpA are the partners that cooperated to realize the project.

Finmeccanica Group and Piaggio Fundation are the sponsors that contributed to support the event.

Gens Italica whishes to thank New York Columbus Citizens Fundation, US Navy and Professor Luciano Caligoti, pro-rector of the University of Rome La Sapienza, for his historical and scientific coordination of the project.

Messina and Reggio Calabria earthquake

Video of the Presentation at Columbus Day

Columbus Day: sixtieth anniversary from Professor Emilio Albertario’s acknowledgment

It was 1948 when Professor Emilio Albertario got Columbus Day’s acknowledgment for Legal Sciences. Emilio Albertario was worldly appreciated as one of the most famous experts of Roman law; this is confirmed by his biography, that is included in all the Italian and foreign encyclopaedias. Today, Professor Emilio Albertario is still considered a cornerstone of the Italian and foreign Legal Sciences. But the actual homonymous deputy director of RAI TG2 Emilio Albertario’s grandfather was not only this.
During WWI he was awarded a silver medal for valour, and during WWII, with less luck but much worth, he was persecuted for his anti-fascist ideas and activities. Gens Italica Network Association participates to the 2008 Columbus Day with an exhibit of its own commemorating 100 years from Messina and Reggio Calabria’s earthquake, and catches the occasion to remember the sixtieth anniversary of the acknowledgment given to Professor Emilio Albertario by the Columbus Day organizers at the end of WWII.